Switching from MDI to an Insulin Pump & Tandem vs Medtronic
In this blog, I discuss my personal experience switching from MDI to an insulin pump and compare the Medtronic pump to the Tandem t:slim pump.
What is Diabulimia?
Diabulimia is an eating disorder that occurs in insulin-dependent diabetics. In this blog, I go over the specifics of diabulimia and resources to get help.
Diabetes Community Resources
Here are my top resources for diabetics and the diabetes community. Includes nonprofit organizations, wellness/nutrition accounts, artists, podcasts, and diabetes products. There are some great resources here for someone in need of medical supplies, insulin, care, or education.
How to Support a Diabetic
When it comes to having a chronic illness, it can feel very lonely. Often times, our loved ones want to support us but can’t relate to what we’re going through and may struggle because of that. Below are the best ways to support that person in your life who has diabetes.
Women’s Health and Diabetes
Periods, UTI’s, birth control, yeast infections, oh my! Not to mention the impact it all has on our blood sugar…
Tips for Traveling with Diabetes
Tips for traveling globally, getting through airport security, packing list and more!